What is a Lamont Boiler? | How does a Lamont Boiler work?

The use of the boilers is increasing day by day. The boilers are used to generate steam which further uses in electricity production. Different types of boilers are used in different applications. There are many types of boilers, and a Lamont boiler is one of them. This article mainly explains the Lamont boiler working, parts, and applications.

What is Lamont Boiler?

The Lamont boiler is a type of forced circulation water tube boiler that uses an external feed pump to circulate the water in the small diameter of the water tubes. In this type of boiler, the water is circulated inside the water tubes while the flue gases surround these tubes.

In 1925, Walter Douglas La-Mont invented the Lamont boiler. These were mainly designed for ships.

This was the first forced circulation boiler. These types of boilers have an external water pump to force the water flow in the water tubes of the boiler. Due to this reason, the water pressure in the natural circulation boiler is lower than the water tube’s pressure.

Lamont boiler is most commonly used in hydropower plants for electricity production. The Lamont boiler generates approximately 45 to 50 tons of superheated steam at a temperature of 500°C and pressures of 120 bar.

Working Principle of Lamont Boiler

A Lamont boiler works on the forced circulation principle of water in the boiler with the help of the centrifugal pump. It is an internally fired water tube boiler.

Lamont Boiler working

In this boiler, the water is circulated in the flexible water tubes while flue gases flow outside these tubes. The Lamont boiler works in the following way:

  • As the Lamont boiler starts working, a feed pump forces the water into the economizer. This water is heated up to some degree in the economizer.
  • A centrifugal pump is used to pump the water from the economizer into the water tubes or evaporator tubes.
  • When the preheater air goes into the furnace, the furnace heats the air by burning solid fuels. The preheater air gets heat from the fuel and converts it into flue gases.
  • When flue gases get heat by the burning process, they start circulating outside the evaporator tubes, increasing the temperature of the evaporator tube’s water and converting the water into steam.
  • A mixture of water and saturated steam is generated in the evaporator tubes.
  • The resulting mixture transfers to the steam separator drum.
  • This drum is an external component of the boiler.
  • The separator drum separates the steam from the water and delivers the steam to the superheater.
  • A superheater further transfers heat to the steam and increases the steam temperature.
  • The superheater transforms the steam into a superheated form.
  • The water separated by the steam separator drum is sent back into the economizer, and preheated air is sent into the furnace, which further heats the radiant evaporator tube water. After this, the whole cycle repeats until the whole water is converted into steam.
  • The Lamont boiler has more than 170 bar working pressure. It has the capability to generate 50000 kg/hour at a temperature of 500°C.

Read More: Working of Lancashire Boiler

History of Lamont Boiler

Martin Benson was the 1st person who started work on the forced circulation drum boiler concept. Walter Douglas La Mont used his concept and designed the first Lemont forced circulation boiler in 1918.

He was an engineer and a Lieutenant Commander in the United States Navy. In 1942, he died New York. This boiler was specially designed to use in ships.

Components of Lamont Boiler

The Lamont boiler has the following major parts:

  1. Feed Pump
  2. Grate
  3. Radiant Evaporator
  4. Superheater
  5. Economizer
  6. Circulating Pump
  7. Convective Evaporator
  8. Steam Separating Drum
  9. Distributing Header
  10. Combustion Chamber
  11. Blower

Components of Lamont Boiler

1) Feed Pump

A feed pump is the most important part of the Lamont boiler. It uses to pump the water from the external source into the boiler.

The main objective of the feed pump is to supply water to the boiler for steam generation. This pump increases the water pressure so that water can easily transfer into the pump.

Read Also: Different Types of Pumps

2) Grate

It is installed on the base of the furnace. The coal is supplied to the grate, and the grate burns it to provide heat to the combustion chamber.

Read Also: Different Types of Boilers

3) Economizer

It is a unit that increases the efficiency of the boiler. The main purpose of the economizer is to preheat the water before the water enters the boiler.

It uses the remaining heat of the flue gases for preheating the water. In this way, the boiler will consume less power and time to transform the water into steam.

4) Circulating Pump

The boiler uses a centrifugal pump as a circulating pump. The centrifugal pump is known as the heart of the Lamont boiler. 

This pump is connected to the steam turbine, and the turbine provides power to the centrifugal pump. As the pump starts working, it delivers water from the steam-separating drum to the radiant that has an impeller and diffuser to pump the water.

Read More: Working of Centrifugal Pump

5) Distributing Header

This unit of the boiler has a discharge valve at one end and a suction valve at another end.

6) Radiant Evaporator

The function of the radiant evaporator is to convert the water into saturated liquid form; after that, it converts the saturated liquid into steam. This unit receives heat from the burning process of the fuel.

7) Convective Evaporator

This is the place where saturated water transforms into saturated steam.

8) Steam Separating Drum

As the radiant evaporator transforms water into steam, the resulting steam is sent into the steam-separating drum.

As the name of the steam-separating drum represents, it separates the steam from the water. As the steam is separated, the water is sent back into the radiant evaporator using a centrifugal pump while the steam is sent into the superheater.

9) Superheater

As the steam is transferred from the steam-separating drum to the superheater, the superheater further provides heat to the steam so that there will be no water particles in the steam. It converts the steam into superheated steam. This superheated steam is used to drive the steam turbine.

 10) Blower

The blower receives air from the atmosphere and delivers this air to the air preheater.

12) Combustion Chamber

The combustion chamber uses to burn solid fuels. The produced heat due to the combustion process further increases the temperature of the air and produces flue gases. The flue gases use to heat the boiler water.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Lamont Boilers

The Lamont boiler has the following advantages and disadvantages:

Advantages of Lamont Boiler

  • These types of boilers can generate high stem pressure.
  • Lamont boilers have no starting problems.
  • The Lamont boiler has a flexible design.
  • They have a high heat transfer rate.
  • They are very easy to start.
  • This boiler can generate steam up to 50000 kg/hour
  • These have small size drums.

Disadvantages of Lamont Boiler

  • The main disadvantage of the Lamont boiler is that the bubbles are formed on the tube’s surface, which decreases the rate of heat transfer to the steam.

Applications of Lamont Boilers

  • The Lamont boiler is most widely used in different power plants for generating steam to produce electricity.
  • They are employed in ships to generate power.
  • Lamont boilers are also employed in industries where high-temperature and high-pressure steam is required for running a machine.

Lamont Boiler VS Benson Boiler

The main difference between the Lamont boiler and the Benson boiler is given below:

Lamont BoilerBenson Boiler
The Lemont boiler has high weight than the Benson boiler.The Benson Boiler has lightweight.
It uses a drum for steam and water separation.There is no need of the separating drum.
In this boiler, there is the formation of bubbles on
the surface of the tube, which reduces the heat transfer rate and decreases the boiler efficiency.
There is no formation of bubbles on the tube surface.
It takes high time for starting.It takes a very short time to start.
It is less efficient.It is more efficient.

FAQ Section

What type of boiler is Lamont boiler?

The Lamont boiler is a water tube boiler.

What are the types of boilers?

  1. Fire-tube boiler
  2. Water-tube boiler

What is called the heart of the Lamont boiler?

The circulating pump (centrifugal pump) is known as the heart of the Lamont boiler.

Who invented the Lamont boiler?

In 1925, Walter Douglas La-Mont designed the Lamont boiler

What are the parts of the Lamont boiler?

  • Feed Pump
  • Blower
  • Grate
  • Radiant Evaporator
  • Combustion Chamber
  • Superheater
  • Economizer
  • Steam Separating Drum
  • Circulating Pump
  • Convective Evaporator
  • Distributing Header

What pressure is used in boiler?

The recommended normal boiler pressure falls within the range of approximately 1 to 2 bars. On the pressure gauge of a boiler, the ideal boiler pressure is typically indicated by a green range.

Read More
  1. Different types of Boilers
  2. Lancashire Boiler Working and Parts
  3. Different types of Pumps
  4. Scotch Marine Boiler Working and Parts

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